Effie Worldwide Announces Updated Calculation for Effie Index

Revised ranking method developed to further spotlight quality and marketing effectiveness

January 2022

The Effie Index identifies and ranks the marketing industry's most effective marketers, agencies and brands -globally, regionally and locally, as well as within industry sectors - by analyzing winner and finalist data from 50+ Effie Awards competitions worldwide.

Ten years after its inception, Effie Worldwide has evolved the Effie Index calculation method from a linear to exponential scale in order to further recognize the most effective marketers each year.

Winning an Effie is a significant achievement, and the refreshed Index model is designed to shine an even brighter light on the case studies that excelled at the highest level. In recognition of collaboration and in support of teamwork across companies, the weighting between Lead and Contributing companies remains the same across the previous and new Index calculation method.

The evolution is the outcome of ongoing consultation with marketers spanning disciplines across the industry, as well as the organizers of local Effie programs around the world on behalf of their networks who have provided their expert opinion and independent guidance to ensure the local Effie Ranking and the Effie Index remain relevant and representative of our global industry.

The Index provides an insightful glimpse into who is delivering Ideas that Work across the globe and acts as a benchmark for excellence in marketing effectiveness, allowing marketers to compare their performance with that of their peers.

The 2021 Effie Index, which includes all the finalists and winners awarded across national and regional 2021 Effie Awards programs, will be announced in Spring / Summer 2022 to allow for the achievements of all local Effie programs with delayed schedules due to the pandemic to be recognized.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Chantal van Wijnbergen and Caitie Rowe at index@effie.org.

A Statement on the Effie Index

June 2021

The past year has been a challenging and transformational year, testing us all as individuals, as a society and as an industry.

While some businesses thrived, many were faced with enormous challenges. Business priorities transitioned to adapting to a new way of working and navigating rapidly evolving consumer needs and behavior change. As an organization, Effie made the decision to move forward in a way that supported our industry and our global partners. We paused new awards launches, fast-tracked the digitization of our training programs to support marketers looking for new tools and resources, and allowed each of Effie's 54 regional and national awards to move forward on an individual basis and address the needs of their local markets, based on their unique circumstances.

We are proud to share that an impressive 71% of Effie Awards programs around the world continued to successfully recognize and celebrate marketing effectiveness. We've held our very first virtual galas and have found new ways to celebrate Effie-winning teams

Effie is an effectiveness forum that celebrates work substantiated by proven results and transparent data, and the Effie Index is a product of that rigorous process. Given that not all Effie programs were in a position to move forward last year, the Effie Index was unable to represent a complete global ranking, so we have made the decision to pause and resume the Global Effie Index rankings in 2022, celebrating the work from the 2021 Effie Awards awarded in calendar year 2021. We will, as always, continue to celebrate the important achievements of marketers around the world via local rankings and success in individual markets.

To learn more about the Effie Index and review past rankings, visit effieindex.com.

If you have any questions, please write to us at index@effie.org.